Email marketing is dead – long live email marketing. Whilst social media grows from strength to strength the savvy marketer is still reaping the rewards of well-executed email marketing campaigns.
Take Fudges latest emails newsletter. In my 10+ years of digital marketing I don’t recall seeing such a beautiful and well considered email newsletter.

Great Email Design
The design, to my eye, is flawless. There is seamless integration of text, images photography, colour and navigation. Blending all these areas may sound straightforward but executing it is a far more difficult process
I’m not particularly fond of really long emails. But, when done well, it’s not unreasonable to ask people to follow the email to the bottom. Take Amazon’s Kindle page – It’s huge. Amazon have been in the game…well forever. So they will understand what amount of information is required to sell a product
Great photography will help you sell online
The very old adage rings true. A [good] photograph is worth a thousand word. The images in the email are crystal clear. Now that’s not just Photoshop. Digital photography is incredibly cheap and easy to produce these days, but it is also incredible easy to get wrong. Good product photography is invaluable when selling online. If you don’t have an image or it’s out of focus, don’t expect it to sell.
Nicholas Wheeler the owner of Charles Twyritt, said that 70% of their clothes are sold online. And they will invest in high quality photograph for their website.
From email to website
They have also taken the time to ensure their emails match the style and tone of the Fudges website.
Colour Palette. Now this is difficult. Understanding which colour work with others is not easy. We don’t all have the Great email design is not just about placing objects and pretty pictures in the right place. It’s about everything looking aesthetically pleasing, closely coupled with razor sharp usability. On every level this works. The tones and range of colours work in harmony with each other.
Integrating social media with email marketing
It’s also nice to see that they are telling everyone about there social media presence. You can do more but offering the option to pre-load tweets – but who is to say they haven’t done that already.
Email marketing ROI
Now obviously I don’t have access to the results of the email. And the benefits of such good design lie in the open rates, CTR’s and conversion.
But credit where credit is due, whether it’s their in-house team or a digital agency – hat’s off to a job well done.
Don’t forget mobile devices
Multi-platforms as simply a way of life these days. Mac, PC, tablets, phones. This is simply the world we live in. You communications needs to be readable across all of these platforms. With this in mind my feeling is that this email might struggle to render properly. I would consider mobile optimised emails, if they haven’t already.
I have been advising clients on email strategy for over 5 years now, and usually there is something that needs improving. But with Fudges’ e-newsletter I really struggle to find flaw with its execution.