I’ve been working in marketing for over 20 years now. To me the pace of change in the digital age is just utterly relentless.
From the enhancements in GA, to algorithm changes to social and email marketing.
Of course one could argue that the more things change the more they stay the same…to me the fundamentals of marketing of delivering the right product to the right person at the right time are as rigid as they ever were. It just happens that the delivery mechanisms are a moveable feast.
As so it is that I caught sight of a possible new change on the way. The design of the SERPs page. Google is well known for testing all sorts of things within it SERPs page. It’s just that you might not notice it.
Working on a client I was quickly checking a ranking when I was presented with the following page design.
Here are the changes that I observed.
- No underline as part of the title tag
- Slight increase in title tag font
- Font change – more rounded
- Snippet colour change to grey
Apologies for generalizing the details as I didn’t have the presence of mind to look at the source code.