Purple Computing have chosen Key Digital as their new digital partner

We’re delighted to announce an exciting new addition to our client portfolio. Purple Computing provide independent Apple IT support, consultancy and training for Mac, iPad and iPhone users across the South of England. They offer support across the region via four office locations in Exeter, Southampton, Bristol and Reading.

As one of the most successful and well respected members of the Apple Consultants Network, Purple Computing work with all Apple retail stores in the UK to provide support services for business clients both large and small. With a solid base of loyal customers the company provide a high level of client satisfaction.

IT support services and consultancy offered by the team at Purple Computing range from Office 365 support, collaboration tools, email calendaring, Xero and other cloud-based services. Clients look to them to troubleshoot IT issues and to make recommendations for ongoing efficiencies.

James Hart from Purple Computing with Toby McConnell from Key Digital
James Hart, Founder & Director at Purple Computing with Toby McConnell, Client Manager at Key Digital.

Having carried out an initial planning day together we outlined a set of primary objectives and actions. This included a detailed content strategy, PPC and SEO opportunities. Our primary aim is to reinforce their position as the trusted premium IT Support company for businesses using Apple products in the south of the country.

As with many businesses we work with there is usually much more work to carry out at the start of the project. We therefore front loaded the time at the start of the contract which has worked very successfully in the lead up to the launch of their new website in November 2019. We also looked to measure ongoing performance by implementing a number of KPIs and competitor monitoring. We very much look forward to continuing to work with Purple Computing and enhancing their digital authority.